Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 6, Thing 14

VoiceThreads were really a great sharing tool. Students could really have opportunities to share their opinions and create a fun product to share with other classes, younger or older students, or as a way for small groups to present to their own classes.

Week 5, Things 12 and 13

Creating Wikis seems fun and easy. I can see the biggest drawback being only one person can edit at a time. The opportunities for collaboration are amazing. I think a wiki for RtI interventions would be one idea. If teachers could share intervention strategies in that format, it might seem easier to choose an appropriate and effective method.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 4 Thing 11

O.K. Wordle seems like lots of fun. I think the tutorial on using Wordle helped a lot with this exercise. The use of TagCrowd was not as much fun and did not produce clouds that I liked as well.
This is my Wordle of Google news for today. I liked that I could put it in alphabetical order and vary the text direction. I think students would find this a cool classroom discussion starter. Also, you could have students create Wordles from different sources and look for the common words and find out what they have in common or if it is a totally different meaning!

Week 4 Thing 10

I think the delicious bookmarking would be really great with online classes. Having the links to resources and reading all on your computer while participating in the class. It would be valuable for assembling approved sites for student research in any class. Also, I do lots of work on my home computer so favorites sites are not available at work. With this tool, I can be anywhere and access whatever sites I have been using. This is also a problem for students who need to work on projects at home and on school computers. This would be very helpful

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 3 Thing 8

I posted on a blog from our Web 2.0 class. I liked the picture and the info about a display at her library. Getting teens to read literature can be a challenge, but making it edgy is a great idea.
I wanted her to know that I thought it was inspired.

Week 3 Thing 7

PLNs seem to be a great opportunity to share ideas with other educators. Many of the blogs seemed to be very political. There seem to be factions that are growing in support of more technology and at the same time for the status quo. Also, there seems to be those who are concerned that because the use of these tools is accompanied by 8-page responsible use documents, students will not only not get their full benefit, but also will want to stay away from these tools because of their potential for causing them trouble. It seems that as much as information is a good thing, not every blog can be considered valuable. The sifting of the wheat from the chaff may keep many from attempting to join in the fray.